🔗 links 🔗 

March 20-22: performing with Sally Silvers
in a new dance at Roulette - tix here

❤️‍🔥🏐 preorder Hot Girls with Balls 🏐❤️‍🔥

🔪 nasty notes - order now 🔪

freebie waitlist

Reading Group Guide - And Then He Sang a Lullaby - Grove Atlantic

Oct 17 2024: co-produced Communion 2024 at BAAD! - free RSVP

Game Plan - The Baffler

DON’T short film screenings
July 12 @ New York Asian Film Festival
July 13 @ Rooftop FIlms

Interview with noam keim - BOMB Magazine

‘nesting’ by Fana Fraser (2023) for TBA21

April 14 - Virtual Workshop: Performance Strategies for the Page @ Tin House

An Interview with Jasmine Gibson - Nightboat Blog #bbbc

Horse Girl, Trans Girl - Factory International

Kristen Lovell and Zackary Drucker's The Stroll - BOMB Magazine #165

Interview with Johnnie Cruise Mercer - Dance Magazine

August 19: produced "so, maybe I can talk a bit more" with Fana Fraser @ New York Botanical Garden

August 19: taught a craft lab @ AAWW’s Page Turner Conference

What happens when the show can’t go on like this? Slowing down with MICHIYAYA Dance - Imagining: A Gibney Journal, Issue 13

In ‘Horse Barbie,’ model Geena Rocero reflects on the glamour and scrutiny of trans womanhood - SF Chronicle #bbbc

“Dappling Your Own Lighting Design” Workshop @ AAWW (virtual) - Apr 17 + 24

Little Puss Press - “A Literary Scene Where Parties Are Part of the Agenda” - NYTimes

Sally Silvers - Dream Logic Mixed with a Catalog of My Interests Back in 1996’ - NYTimes

Sally Silvers Puts New Wine in Old Bottles - Village Voice

first quarter moon slush - subscribe :)

Self-Actualization Realism is the New High Fantasy - INTO #bbbc

From Intense Yearning to Just Unraveling - INTO #bbbc

Fragments of the Asian Diaspora: On New Novels by Julie Otsuka
and Jessica Au - LA Review of Books #bbbc

Queer Superiority Complex and/or Well-Earned Snark? - INTO #bbbc

Collective Mythmaking: Interviews with zavé martohardjono - BOMB Magazine

“To Paradise” Isn’t About Gay Suffering: It’s About Daddy Issues,
Disability, and Homonationalism - INTO - #bbbc

Just Two Beautiful Asian Bimbos: Interview with Jean Chen Ho - BOMB Magazine - #bbbc

Droning Across Postcolonial Borders: An Interview with Alex Quicho - for AAWW's the Margins - #bbbc 

Winking Away Diasporic Anxiety: On Anthony Veasna So’s “Afterparties” - for INTO - #bbbc

Interview with NIC Kay - for ESPN's the Undefeated

The Embarrassing Whiteness of Being in “The Atmospherians” and “Bunny” -  INTO  #bbbc

#freelanceflailing part 2 of 2 : "If me valuing myself sounds like a threat,
your power trip has already gone too far" - for National Sawdust

"That Feeling of Up" : Kyle Marshall on RISE - for the Shed 

Part 1 of 2 - "Forecasting the next stage of #freelanceflailing amid
so many failed labor relations" - for National Sawdust

"bezel bleed" and "nom nom norm" in Flypaper Lit

Vanity Fair - "Trans in Trumpland" review

"The Last Moon in Mellowland" - New York Times - by Siobhan Burke

bốn bạn bán bốn bàn bẩn, ha - a poem @ AAWW's the Margins

Human Rights Watch - NYPD Beat and Arrest Peaceful Protesters in Planned Assault

Terry Nguyen - How social justice slideshows took over Instagram

Rachel Hawley - The Lazy Liberalism of Instagram Slideshows

ceev @ BAAD - full video

by Nana Chinara: An Open Letter to Arts Organizations Rampant with White Supremacy

Looping a refrain, following the ripple - Danspace Project

On Bobbi Jene Smith's Lost Mountain - Baryshnikov Arts Center

On 7NMS' A Prophet’s Tale: Portrait of the Lyricist - Baryshnikov Arts Center

Voices in the Archive: An Interview with Monique Truong - AAWW's The Margins

very peak summer solstice - writings @ AAWW's the Margins

Generative moments in fragmented view: a collage //
“very peak summer solstice” at ISSUE Project Room - by Jean Lee for Culturebot

moving, unknown / vague ideas around the thing itself - Diacritics

The Work Is Never Done' at MoMA: enacting and obscuring archives - The Brooklyn Rail

Giving back by giving it up: on gentrification, reparations, dance, etc.
(Part 1) - Center for Humanities

Giving back by giving it up (Part 2) - Center for Humanities

Dancers are Choreographers, Too. It's Time for Dance Criticism to Reflect That - Dance Magazine

Mixed Means and Precarious Performance: Dancers on Nick Mauss's Transmissions - The Brooklyn Rail

Pay to play: the costs of carving new space for dance - The Brooklyn Rail

"Hot Girls with Balls" cover has a purple background, two blue orbs beneath a net, and the title in a bright green Arial font with “a novel” and “Benedict Nguyễn” in white font

benedict nguyen

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 ©2025 Benedict Nguyễn