benedict nguyen

Jordan Demetrius Lloyd:
The Last Moon in Mellowland

a dance film (runtime ~28 minutes) produced over fall 2020
for the nov 20, 2020  first quarter moon in Aquarius

nov 20, 2020 / world premiere / ISSUE Project Room
feb 5, 2021 / screening + discussion / Bronx Academy of Arts and Dance

one of the New York Times "5 Things to Do this Weekend"  (12/24/20)

"Lloyd believes that viewers already remember a place called Mellowland, a place that lives on the edge of quietude and the ordinary. It gives viewers permission to honor their intuitive listening and yearns to deepen the ways in which we experience the minutes, hours, and days that we are moving through."      

(see full press release)


choreographer, performer, sound, and visual director/designer: Jordan Demetrius Lloyd

performances by: Breeanah Breeden, Jordan Demetrius Lloyd, Demetries Morrow, and Ariana Speight

text by: emily rose cannon, Stephanie George, Jordan Demetrius Lloyd, and Wesley Pierre

dramaturgy: Stephanie George


benedict nguyen

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